Friday, July 24, 2009


等待好難啊... 雖然不是很貼切的用法, 但是有點明白望穿秋水是什麼意思了...

面對弦在箭上的期盼, 真的覺得好漫長的等待啊... 不想特別去想, 但是有時候看到什麼東西就會觸景傷情...

Ode to the Wait

Oh my waited one, whence art thou? (謎: Where就Where, 寫什麼Whence...)
How I long for thy anticipated presence!
How I hunger for thy touch! (謎: 怎麼變成Unchained Melody了)
May 'tis be the day whence I tangibly enclosed thou in my envisioning!

謎: 這篇寫的好誇張 ^^"

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