Tuesday, March 31, 2009


小弟家中有部Server機... 原本是拿來做各種測試的 (像是Linux), 不過目前它是所謂的下載伺服器.

下載什麼? 這不是這篇文章的重點 (遠目)

話說很久很久以前, 把這台組起來時, 小弟這台是年代久遠只有USB 1.1. 當時最便宜的方式就是買個什麼PCI介面卡擴充.

重點來了, 當時Firewire跟USB 2.0還不相上下, 當時的情況是: Firewire比較穩, USB最大速度比較快但是不是很穩定 (有點像是Shaw跟Telus... 離題了).

然後小弟不知道當時腦袋怎麼運轉的, 就只想著Firewire大好啊, 就是要這種穩定的速度, 而且還跟Apple沾上點邊... (啥?)

結果就買了個Firewire Card: 3個Firewire ports + 0個USB 2.0 ports (汗)

然後之後還有很偉大的情操, 買的兩個外接式硬碟盒都是有USB跟Firewire ports的 (每個都比只有USB 2.0貴了$15-$20)...

好了現在, 小弟自豪的下載伺服器有3個Firewire ports + 4個USB 1.1 ports + 0個USB 2.0 ports...

當時到底在想什麼啊!!! (╯-_-)╯╧╧ (翻桌)

現在許多USB 2.0的裝置都不能用. Flash drive根本沒看過Firewire的. 偏偏那個PCI Firewire Card好像年代久遠還是跟Windows 2003有仇 (微軟的陰謀啊!!!), 現在插上去的Firewire裝置要不然就是龜速, 要不然就是偵測不到...

現在再買張PCI USB2.0卡也意義不大了 = ="

真的是... 當初哪來的衝動死忠於Firewire的... = ="""


剛剛隔壁部門有Pizza午餐... 我們部門就順水推舟的一起吃了 (咦?)

話說Pie R Square的Pizza真是獨特, 兩個想法:

  1. 每片都好大... 真是Pizza slice裡的Sushi King House (這什麼比喻?). 也沒有不好但是叫了將近10種口味就很難每種都嚐一些.
  2. 很多很獨特的口味... 像是放烤馬鈴薯在Pizza上已經不希奇了. 還有大型Broccoli (放上去就整個Slice都佔滿了), BBQ Chicken, 類似牛肉乾的奇妙物質... 不過沒有豆腐就是了; 很久以前去Pie R Square吃的時候有吃過...

真可惜沒照下來, 要不然更能圖文並茂的解釋 =/

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Photo Album

今天早上把SD卡上的照片丟到電腦上的感想就是: 照片多到滿出來 @@|||

好啦, 也沒那麼誇張, 不過真的很亂就是... 小弟的不良習慣是SD卡滿了就往電腦上丟; 因為沒有刻意用管理軟體的習慣, 所以就只好每次都桌面上開一個New Folder然後一股腦把照片+影片丟進去...

現在已經不知道是New Folder (?)了... 也許? = 9左右吧... ^^"

得趕快找個Online Photo Album然後變成一股腦的把東西丟在上面

重點是再不把之前一些照片交出來, 小弟的生命可能就有危險了...


有誰知道好的Online Photo Album可以很彈性的控制誰可以看照片的? 之前一直要找個能Password-Protected都找不到... 第一次看到是在Wretch上面... 可是Wretch... 不是很想用的說 ^^"

Monday, March 23, 2009

Roadable Aircraft


兩個字就是: 好炫 ╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯

雖然價格不斐 (USD $194,000) + 需要開車&開飛機執照 + 樣子也許可以再帥一點, 功能上還是讓人有無限的遐想 (啥?)

事實上之前好像就有人想做這種可以在地上跑也可以在天空飛的東西; 不過之前太貴 + 真的大眾化的話很難管理在天空隨意飛來飛去的車陣...

而且犯罪者像是搶銀行什麼的逃起來就更方便了 @@"

這好像之前看小叮噹的任意門很好用... 不過真的普及化可能會天下大亂吧 (沒有很嚴謹的管制的話)... 偷渡啊... 烙跑啊... 都很好用... 大雄不是就用這個偷窺宜靜洗澡無數次過 (爆)

沒法子... 工具就是有好的使用方式跟壞的使用方式... 而往往就是壞的使用方式導致正常的使用方式也不能用了... = ="

USB Flash Drive

剛剛OCZ Rally 2 32GB +1 @@"

雖然理論上是工作上用, 但是還是有點受寵若驚的說... ^^"

前一陣子還一直想要自己買個8G還是什麼的; 之前一直(??)我家人的來用 (爆)

現在就直接是可喜可賀 (咦?)

再講下去就變成炫燿文了 ^^" 就此打住吧~

Sunday, March 22, 2009

(偽) 考試後的放鬆

今天從早上8:00就開始忙碌, 緊張, 再忙碌, 再緊張到下午4點左右...

真要說的話, 應該是從昨天下午1點就開始壓力增福吧~

現在就是兩個字: 好累 XD... 不過是很好的歷練, 也有學習到...

應該也算是抗壓訓練... 中間的時間根本來不及緊張就得上陣了~

現在感覺好像考過兩個final後的如釋重負感... (久違了! 有點再次當學生的感覺 ^^")

結果的話... 大概一個C+一個B+吧 ^^" (分數很主觀... 但是應該算是及格吧)

真是奇怪, 我第一次上陣的時候都沒有那麼緊張... 也許是初生之犢不畏虎吧~ (笑)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Best Buy 好樣的...

剛剛又上去看了一下; NDSL Silver現在又有貨了... 之前查店裡Stock顯示"This item is not carried at this location." 但現在就Richmond跟Burnaby都直接變成In Stock... = ="

我之前那篇哭訴沒有銀色到底是為了甚麼啊... ╮( ̄﹏ ̄)╭

E & A

現在腦筋裡只有一個想法就是E key好煩...

A key也好不到哪裡去... 特別是最後一刻才知道歌曲+key真的是彈的心浮氣躁...

真希望如果可以的話, 黑鍵退散吧!!!

翻桌懶得翻了 = =" 睡覺去
Google Chrome 在搞甚麼... = =""" 用blogger的editor字體大小變的亂七八糟... 打中文字有些會自動變成亂碼... 最後還是用Opera重新編輯才正常...

看了一下原始碼, Chrome莫名其妙加了一堆DIV幹嘛啊 = =""

Friday, March 20, 2009


剛剛在Pit Pub吃東西居然被檢查ID了~

╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭ 好高興~ (爆)

不過那個女服務生一看到我駕照上的生日就發出了一聲很大聲的OH... 是怎樣 = ="

然後害羞的轉身就走... 妳在害羞個什麼勁啊??? (翻桌)

我如果說我才20歲應該還可以魚目混珠過去吧!!! (啥?)

Thursday, March 19, 2009



舉例來說: 在A店有一個我想要的東西, 在B店只能網上訂購. 因為網上訂購的關係, 運費差了整整$4.99. A店要做購買卻又很麻煩...

然後我就花了3-4天時間跟A店周旋, 剛剛又接到通知購買沒有過. 才火大了直接由B店訂購.

再舉一例: 在A網站訂一個東西與B網站總共差了$3左右. (一個是$70.78, 一個是$73.17) B網站有可能還要再打稅, A應該是不用. 我就為了這個想了老半天也做不出決定來.

太斤斤計較了嗎? ^^"

P.S. A店怎麼唸起來感覺怪怪的... ^^"""


也不是想打廣告或是什麼的, 只不過看到Meteotek的報導真的很神~

基本上就是一群高中生自己設計+拼裝了熱氣球+感應器+照相機, 把這個裝置送上天空拍地球照.

很引人遐想呢... 瞄了一下它的零件, 說複雜也沒複雜到哪裡去...

要是之前作Undergraduate Project能做這個的話, 應該會有趣不少; 但是我想八成proposal就被擋下來了, 因為商業性質不夠什麼的...

要是沒有為五斗米折腰的問題, 研發這種東西應該是很有意思的 ^^"

P.S. 最後看到那個掉下來的畫面居然有股莫名的衝動... (抖抖

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

有此一說... 27...

前幾天看新聞有一則報導, 說人滿了27就開始退化...

退化... 退化... 退化... <= 回音

(゜_゜;) <゜_゜;> (゜〇゜;) <= 精神狀態

(╯-_-)╯╧╧ <= 翻桌

什麼跟什麼!!! 那孔老夫子說三十而立是什麼??? (謎: 這跟那個又有什麼關係?)

人家摩西到一百二十歲都眼睛不昏花呢!!! (謎: 不要把摩西拉進來啦!!!)

好啦... 摩西先生是很特殊的例子Q_Q


~~~ヾ(○゜▽゜○) Positive thinking!

積極正面! 喜樂的心! 在前的要在後! (啥?)



Happy St. Patrick's Day! (???)
‧★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧°★* 就這樣吧 XD

Monday, March 16, 2009


剛剛同事跑進來問我覺得Mukmuk如何 (好突然的問題)...

之前倒是沒特別注意... 雖然2010奧運在溫哥華算是大事一樁; 小弟最明顯感受到的應該是加緊腳步在蓋的捷運跟凹凸不平的Cambie Street...

言歸正傳, 剛剛查了Mukmuk... 原來本尊是大松鼠marmot... 中文翻成旱獭(??)... 好像跟土撥鼠是親戚...

不過我個人覺得是蠻可愛的啦... 聽說小隻的玩偶一隻$25... 至少這個mascot跟本尊都算可愛的... 雖然我一開始看到猜成短尾巴beaver

另一隻mascot Quatchi我也覺得很可愛, 只是本尊就... ^^"

P.S. 剛剛再查了一下, 原來mukmuk只是sidekick = =" 不是正式的mascot... 我最喜歡的只是mascot的sidekick是怎樣... ^^"


因為種種因素(有愛心也有私心), 稍微瀏覽了一下Best Buy的NDSL Line-up...

結果是晴天霹靂的 = ="

銀色黑色這附近的Best Buy都沒有 = ="

但是鮮豔暗紅色, 粉紅色, 跟寶藍色多到滿出來 = ="""

之前看Future Shop也幾乎是同樣情況, 粉紅色甚至還打折10元了好一陣子...

前一陣子跟友人討論時, 小弟我還大放厥詞說打死也不買紅色系的...

寶藍色也不是排斥, 但是銀色是首首選 Q_Q

好掙扎啊~ XD

Sunday, March 15, 2009


原本想用英文一直寫下去的野望已經破功了 = ="

那就瀟灑的一路破功下去吧阿哈哈哈~ (自暴自棄?)

沒法子... 我要搞笑寫輕鬆的用英文就沒甚麼fu = =""

一寫英文就不自覺得嚴肅了起來 XD


昨天(3/14)下午到晚上過得非常夢幻, 非常狂野 (??)

謝謝有參予的朋友一起陪我 ^^" 辛苦你們了, 明年也要這樣啊? (啥?)

小弟我很盡責的發揮了人來瘋的個性, 從下午一直high到晚上 ^^" 特別感謝忙了一整天的嚴父慈母友人B... 奔波趕場的主持人友人D... 千里迢迢趕來的友人J跟S... 賣命跳舞(??)的友人J... 當然還有精神領袖總召集人友人V...

沒有想到DDR多一點人可以造成這麼大的迴響... Rummikub也感謝友人R友情贊助 (還是J? 一起謝好了)... UNO也是小弟我朝思暮想的遊戲啊... 上次玩有7年以上了吧... 麻將也好, 在此恭喜連摸連莊的友人J ^^ 最後的Pictionary也是再一波高潮啊... 大家的繪畫技巧, 英文字彙, 跟默契真是驚人啊... 喜歡J的 Yellow Brick Road, D的Miss Piggy (Greenland也不錯), V的Mona Lisa, B的747/Bottled Water/Garden (B的都好生活化), 還有小弟的Landscape+壓軸Suck Your Thumb ^^"""

卡片跟gift card我就自己私下慢慢品嘗了... 但是真的很感動... gift card很實在, 不愧是了解我本性的 :-)

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Okay so I saw friend E's blog entry this morning regarding the manga 死刑囚042 and felt curious...

So I found it from a mysterious source and finished reading it. ^^"

Hm... One fact is that I can see it's trying to explore various serious topics in life, including the controversial corporal punishment, the depth of humanity, and the value of life. This society is based on the relative value of morality. What is good and what is bad? Who deserves to enjoy freedom as a human being and who does not? The yes or no answer are only differentiated by a thin vague line. And a lot of issues certainly arise due to this lack of absolute value...

Well, I think it's Bravo for this manga to attempt to discuss these serious matters.

好了寫夠了嚴肅話題, 現在來狂惡搞 (也沒有啦, 不過原本用英文後來整篇改成中文才寫得比較習慣)...

作者把裡面好多人物都畫的好可愛啊 (炸); 主角好多Q版現身呢 XD... 看到最後都有點把它當笑園漫畫大王來看了 (炸飛). 其他角色也不時的以輕鬆的形象出現, 好討喜啊~ 而且椎名跟主角好登對呢 (啥??) 心理輔導的內容往往是吐槽充斥 XD




左到右: 椎名, 典獄長(?), 主角

椎名(右)+主角 (緊張的樣子好可愛啊)



根本在看這些都會忘記作者要討論嚴肅的話題啊啊啊~ (翻桌)

不過話說回來, 真的歡樂的地方很歡樂 (個人覺得), 整部作品在想營造輕鬆歡樂的地方覺得蠻讓人印象深刻的; 相較起來像是灑狗血就有點雷聲大雨點小, 嚴肅的部分小弟我甚至會有點在腦中自動刪除, 才會造成這種歡樂的假象 (?)

還有結局, 個人認為真的有點草草結束; 花了4集半鋪陳, 半集就匆匆忙忙結束掉. 對小弟的震撼就相形甚小 = ="

而且, 一開始的第一集那個預告也不太妥... 應該要滿懷著歡樂, 希望, 期待, 然後在最後才突然墜入痛苦的深淵才震撼啊 <= 好邪惡啊 XD

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March Snow + Robson Square

Snowed again two days ago and it's super cold these two days. I guess it doesn't need to take a lot of snow to remind me of last winter.

Is April snow wishful thinking? lol


Went to UBC @ Robson Square this morning to run set up a new machine for a staff member + meeting friend E briefly.

Just realized that all my wishlist items are backed up by some of my friends... NDSL by H and J, while DSLR+Lens by E. XD

Might seriously consider switching to Sony if finding out some of the existing Minolta lenses I have are compatible...

Maybe if I get promoted at work. lol

Friday, March 6, 2009

Expenditure - Recent Wish List...

In the grand scheme of things, while in dire economical situation like this, it's probably a better idea to keep expenditure minimum. Nonetheless, some buying urges had been lingering in my mind for a while. Probably won't hurt listing them.

  1. NDSL - An odd desire and even more oddly motivationed by Jam Sessions. I've heard reviews and comments on this device. I've seen them being played on the bus. My daily conversation with friend J seems to always involve NDS games, one way or the other. Friend H also praised it over PSP. It looks nice and touch-screen is a cool element in gaming (so to speak). So why not? I guess not enough motivation. I got PS2 for the notorious Dynasty Warriors series. Some say it's repetitive and all but, hey, kept me hooked and interested for a while. Can't say I'm currently hooked by any NDS games right now (not like I've actually got my hands on playing one of these). Spec-wise, NDS also looks uninteresting comparing to PSP. I guess all that make me have second thought before actually getting one myself...
  2. DSLR with IS in-body - A long-time wish since I experienced the bittersweet (more sweet, less bitter) of IS on my SD850IS. My motto right now tends to be "A shaken image is worse than underexposed/overexposed pictures," since the latter can somewhat be adjusted in post-processing, while the former is a pain and tends not to be fixable. Some might not agree with me but I can value IS over large aperture. So why not? The main reason is price. Need to get the body, get lens(es), and the combined cost is nothing to sneer at. Secondly, it's a complete system, so need to somehow get rid of my existing Rebel XT + lenses... which is quite a hassle to me. The third reason is due to wishful thinking, but I'll throw it out here anyway since it's a wish list. Canon still seems to have the best high ISO performances than the competitors, and its image processor has rather pleasing colors comparing to the others. I guess I'm just too used to the Canon advantages to look at others without...

Can't think of much else right now other than some more far-fetched ones... oh well. Keeping the wish list short is one good way to keep oneself content, I suppose.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Boredom and Confusion + Civilization 4

Quite bored and confused lately. Dunno why.

Perhaps it's this economy situation that's depressing; or perhaps it's some of my goals feel far-fetched; or maybe it's just the rain that started pouring randomly since yesterday...

It's like that feeling when you first encountered a enticing MMORPG and you grew bored of it eventually by its seemingly repetitive system. And boy, how surprised now I am that these MMORPGs sometimes do capture a slice of life.

Most people would just bear with it and hope it'll get better as time passes. Perhaps that's what I'll do.


On a side note, been playing some of Civilization IV + Expansions lately. The old traditional turn-based strategy do feel refreshing and more relaxed than the real-time games mostly made nowadays. (Granted, Civilization IV is kind of old itself.)

But after a few games, I realized that this is hardly a game for pacifists. Even though it allows winning the game peacefully, I tend to get rather low score through those routes. The game gives highest score basically if you conquered all other civilizations and dominated the whole world in the shortest time possible. Comparatively, the peaceful victories feel much less rewarding, even though you're the largest civilization in the whole world, when you get the title of Dan Quayle in the end = =" (no offense to Mr. Quayle himself)

That's it... the game taught me that in order to win and be praised, the decent thing to do is to forget about being civilized, just build a large army and own all other nations.

Conclusion of the day: Screw World Peace! World Domination All the Way! ^_^|||