Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Casually Revived

Was reading E's blog and all the sudden wanted to look at my old blogs. And then one thing led to another, ta-da, blog revived.

Didn't really know how devoted I can be this time, since all my past blogs were abandoned sooner than I expected. However, I decided to be rather casual this time... in my past ones, I tended to always write sensually (??), be funny, or try to speak of meaningful words. This time, all casual, be that a one-sentence entry, a long-winded rant, or just random brain dumps... hope having said that will motivate me to come here more often. ;-)

Probably shouldn't do this at work. :-p

P.S. I know what you're thinking, and yes, this has become a lazy man's blog lol.

P.S.2. About blog title... dunno why but I got a picture of Winnie the Pooh in my mind when writing this entry... sound befitting more or less, so oh well.

P.S.3. Just realized this also happens to be V's birthday. Happy Birthday, V! XD

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