Thursday, February 26, 2009

February Winter Wonderland

Okay I wasn't really trying to write about the snow, but it's so commonly mentioned since last night when the snowing started... I looked back some ancient blog entries and this is actually nothing. One year I believe we had snow in Vancouver in April. (Or was it March?) Comparatively, February snow is like normal. :-p

Normal or not though, the cold temperature takes a little used to. Not to mention the constant paying attention to the slippery-ness on the road outside. It looked funny then, when I walked into the door of the building I work at, I almost slipped and rammed into a book truck.

P.S. No, I didn't actually ram into the book truck. That event is part of the "almost."

P.S.2. Also interesting running into J this morning, who mentioned it's freaking cold outside, like winter all over again. Well it'd take a lot of snow to remind me of Winter 2008.

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