Monday, March 16, 2009


剛剛同事跑進來問我覺得Mukmuk如何 (好突然的問題)...

之前倒是沒特別注意... 雖然2010奧運在溫哥華算是大事一樁; 小弟最明顯感受到的應該是加緊腳步在蓋的捷運跟凹凸不平的Cambie Street...

言歸正傳, 剛剛查了Mukmuk... 原來本尊是大松鼠marmot... 中文翻成旱獭(??)... 好像跟土撥鼠是親戚...

不過我個人覺得是蠻可愛的啦... 聽說小隻的玩偶一隻$25... 至少這個mascot跟本尊都算可愛的... 雖然我一開始看到猜成短尾巴beaver

另一隻mascot Quatchi我也覺得很可愛, 只是本尊就... ^^"

P.S. 剛剛再查了一下, 原來mukmuk只是sidekick = =" 不是正式的mascot... 我最喜歡的只是mascot的sidekick是怎樣... ^^"


  1. Never seem that Mukmuk before, and I guess I was wrong.
    I thought for those mascots, one is a Big Foot Ape, another one is a Killer whale wanna be, and the last one is sorta a totem pole who can actually walk. (donno who's who tho)

  2. Quatchi, Miga, Sumi... in that order, I guess. Mukmuk is like Sumi's sidekick (he appears in the video briefly).

    I like Mukmuk the best actually... even though he's not really one of the mascots.
