Monday, April 12, 2010

[Car, Chinese Food, Grease, Bleach] Fiasco

One often hears one say one thing leads to another... I'd say that's kind of my state right now.

Let's list the things in order:
  1. Had a whole day of church events yesterday
  2. Super tired getting home in the evening
  3. Out of rice or meat or even ingredients to cook up dishes
  4. Decided to order Chinese food take-out
  5. 30 min later, headed out the front door, originally planning on going on foot, but saw our car parked in the front, so drove that instead
  6. Took the food home, gotten into the door and realized one bag is leaking
  7. Went back to check and realized it leaked everywhere, dripping grease everywhere I've went - got it on my jeans and coat, and stained car seat a bit
  8. Realized out of kitchen paper towels, too... grabbed bathroom toilet paper instead
  9. Smeared off the grease off the car seat, still smelled funny
  10. Wiped using dish-washing detergent, wiped with damped toilet paper
  11. Repeat last step about 10 times in 15 minutes
  12. Still can't get rid of the smell; went back into the room and originally wanting to find stuff that got rid of smell, but couldn't; grabbed Stain Away instead
  13. Super hungry now, so used Stain Away on the car seat and let it stay there for a bit
  14. Went into the house and started eating the food a bit
  15. 10 minutes later, went back to the car to wipe it off with damped toilet paper
  16. Mom informed that Stain Away is no good because it has bleach; went back to the car to check again and didn't find whitening, though still smelled funny
  17. Grabbed dish-washing detergent again and repeat the apply and wipe step again
  18. Wipe it off one last time and called it a night
  19. 16 hours later (now), mom said whitening is showing on the car seat due to bleach
  20. ...
Not too sure what to comment but as Greg Kinnear said in Little Miss Sunshine, "What a ******* nightmare."

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